More of Owls Science Week

Lesson: Science

Class: Reception (Owls) Year: 2021 - 2022

We have continued our Science learning this week and the children have really been enjoying it. We were super lucky to have Celia talk to the school all about her bees. The children and staff were fascinated by the incredible facts that Celia shared. Did you know that bees keep the temperature of their hive at 30 degrees consistently by fanning their wings. They also make group decisions rather than individually and we felt that this was a great skills humans should adopt and was a super PSHE link as well. The bees also tell the other bees where the flowers are each morning by doing a ‘waggle dance,’ which based on how long they waggle and in which direction they do their dance, the other bees work out where to go and how far away! Fascinating! The children in Owls came back to class and then made beautiful bees in their art activity. We then continued to link in the special qualities of bees and their honey as well as our topic of ‘Goldilocks and the three bears,’ and we made porridge with honey drizzled on it. Yummy! The children enjoyed measuring out the ingredients and mixing it, watching the colour change and using great vocabulary to explain it becoming ‘sloppy,’ ‘splodgy,’ and ‘creamy.’ 


Linking to our topic again the children carried out an experiment using gummy bears. We put water in a clear cup (this was the bear's swimming pool) and we made predictions as to what we thought would happen to the gummy bear over the next few days. The children made some fantastic predictions; the water will change colour, the bear will sink, the bear will get bigger. We then put out gummy bear in its swimming pool and left it for a few days. We found that the water had slightly changed colour but the bear had either increased in size or dissolved. We discussed why we thought this had happened.


We then turned our science inquiry to growing and what is needed to make plants grow. We explored an experiment where we put shaving foam on top of a glass of water and poured small amounts of food colouring on top to see what happens, we saw the blue food colouring drip through once it became heavy. The children talked about how the water gets into the sky to form clouds and then that it rains when the clouds become heavy. This was then linked to what plants need and the children took part in creating egg bears and planting cress in them to adfd funky hair over the next few days. Finally we used mixed flower seeds, cardboard and water to create our own seed bombs.


What a fantastic, busy, scientific week we have had! Owls you have really been exploring our World. You are all fantastic scientists. Well done.


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