The School Day
There is a Breakfast Club which operates from 7.30am until the start of the school day.
We offer an After School Club until 5.30pm if required. Clubs must be booked in advance using our School Spider App.
The school gates open at 8.30am, for any child wishing to take part in the daily mile, and close at 8.45am ready to start the school day.
Owls, Kestrels, Hawks and Eagles
A typical week is 32.5 hours for all children in Reception to Year 6. Children start school at 8.45am and finish at 3.15pm.
Barn Owls (Pre-school)
Morning sessons run from 8.30am until 11.30am.
Afternoon sessions are available from 12.30pm until 3.30pm.
Pre-school have the option of staying/arriving for lunch if they wish to do so.
Barn Owls have their own entrance up the driveway and enter their area through the EYFS playground.
All other classes use the main gates, on the playground, to arrive and leave school.
Whole school Assemblies take place on a Monday and Friday. Our Monday assemblies discuss values, celebrations around the world and always have a key theme. Friday assemblies celebrate Learners of the Week, achievments, attendance and punctuality. Parents are regularly invited to key assemblies throughout the year. Look out for dates on our weekly newsletters. We also have assemblies in school and church each term led by members of the community.
All children have a 15 minutes break in the morning.
Lunch is from 12 noon - 1.00pm. Hot meals are available for all children through Local Food Links ( As part of the universal free school meals, hot lunches are free for all Reception and KS1 children.
Children all have a school reading book which they are encouraged to take home each day. Please listen to your child read daily and use their reading diaries (Reception - Y4) to make a weekly comment. Please note that books are only changed once a comment is received. Children do have a second book, that they choose themselves, to develop a love of reading and provide challenge.