Our School Council
At Hazelbury Bryan Primary School, we have a fantastic School Council. The children have been very excited to have been awarded this position in school and are actively involved in making changes and celebrating achievements. The children will hold a meeting in class with their peers, before attending a 'School Council' meeting, once every half term. We look at things that the school are doing well and they make suggestions as to ideas and thoughts of things that we could improve or change and add. Last year, the school council helped design the new trim trail on the field, refresh playtime equipment and the forest school area, as well as many other decisions.
This year our new members are:
Reception- Alfred
Year 1- William
Year 2- Cooper
Year 3- Andrew
Year 4- Huw
Year 5- Logan
Year 6- Rosie
Welcome to the team! We know you will all be brilliant!