Years 3 & 4 (Hawks) 2024 - 2025
Mr Williams
Welcome to Hawks.
Our class teacher is Mr Williams.
Mrs Wesley is our Teaching Assistant (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday).
We will have Forest School in the Spring Term. Please ensure your child has appropriate footwear and wet weather clothing.
Our day begins at 8:45 am and ends at 3:15 pm.
- We have PE on a Thursday and Friday. Please wear your school PE kit to school on these days. If you do not have a school P.E kit, please come to school in uniform and bring appropriate sports clothing to change into.
- Homework will be set on Google classroom on a Friday and should be submitted in by the following Thursday.
- Spellings will be set every Friday with a spelling test the following Friday.
- We will be focusing on a times table every month. We will practice these in school but make sure you practice where you can at home too! You can use Sum Dog to help you with this.
- Your reading book and diary should be brought to school every day. Your reading diary should be signed by an adult at home at least once a week and these will be checked regularly.