Reception (Owls) 2024 - 2025

Mrs Gillibrand

Mrs Ings

Welcome to Owls Class!

Autumn Term

Our class teachers are Mrs Gillibrand (Mondays and Tuesdays) and Mrs Ings (Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays).

Mrs Scott is our teaching assistant every morning.

Our school day...

  • Our school day begins at 8.45pm and ends at 3.15pm.
  • In the morning, please drop off your child at the gazebo on the main playground between 8.30am and 8.45am.  During the first few weeks of term Owls class teachers will meet the children in the gazebo. We will then all go to class together. Once the Owls class are settled they will have the choice of going straight to class or joining the rest of the school on the playground for the daily mile.
  • At the end of the day, please collect your child from the field end of the main playground. Owls will stay with their teacher until you are seen. They will then be dismissed by their teacher and sent to you. 
  • Please remember you need to bring in a pair of wellies and a full change of clothes in a small lightweight bag, which will stay in school.
  • Each day please remember your book bag (containing all your school books) and a drinks bottle containing water (no juice or squash).  You will need a healthy packed lunch, if you have not ordered a school meal.  You do not need any other school bags (we do not have space in our cloakroom for bulky backpacks) or a snack (as we will provide school fruit/vegetables at snack times).
  • This half term Owls class need to wear their PE kit to school on Tuesdays please. All our other physical activities during the week will be done in school uniform. Please ensure they have suitable named coats, hats etc in school according to the weather each day. When the weather is warm and sunny please ensure your child has a sunhat in school and has had suncream applied before the start of the school day.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. There is an array of information on the website as well.


We are looking forward to a fun and action packed term together. Let's learn, explore and grow together!

Welcome Owls! 



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Administrative Officer
Mrs Stanley

01258 817492

Mrs Waring/Mrs Ings

Remote Learning Contact
Mrs Odhams