Years 5 & 6 (Eagles) 2024 - 2025
Miss Allen
Welcome to Eagles- our Year 5 and 6 class!
Your class teacher is Miss Allen and your Teaching Assistants are Mrs Sedgbeer and Mrs Prop.
Our P.E. days for the year will be Tuesday and Friday. Children should come to school dresssed in their smart school P.E. kits on these days.
In Summer Term 2, we will be swimming so swimming kit will be needed. Swimming arrangements will be communicated later in the year.
Each year group will have Forest School sessions every Wednesday for one half term. Year 5 will have sessions during Summer term 1 and Year 6 will have sessions during Summer term 2. Please remember a change of footwear and clothing/waterproofs in a named bag as well as a long sleeve t-shirt.
Homework will be set on Google Classroom once a term and will continue 6 activities from a variety of subjects. We recommend completing one piece of homework per week to keep on track. If, for any reason, your child has difficulties completing their homework, please let us know so that they can be helped at school.
Spellings will be set every Friday with a test the following Friday.
We love to read in Eagles class! A book will be shared each day by the teacher and children will be expected to take home a reading book each day. Ideally, they should read for twenty minutes every night. Encouraging your child to talk about what they are reading and to answer questions about the plot or characters is enormously helpful to promote a love of reading.
Should you need any further information or assistance, please feel free to contact the office who will pass on any messages.