Pre-school (Barn Owls) 2024 - 2025

Mrs Errington

Welcome to Barn Owls Pre-School!

Barn Owls Pre-School Lead is Mrs Errington.

Our Teaching Assistants are Miss Bishop and Mrs Colmer.

Barn Owls is a warm, welcome and caring pre-school that provides a safe, secure and stimulating environment in which children can learn. We are a pre-school that provides care for children from the age of 2 years to when they start school in reception.

We offer plenty of play opportunities, both indoor and out, for the children to explore and use their own imagination and key skills they have already acquired. Play is an essential part of young children’s learning and it helps children promote all areas of their development.

We offer a wide range of activities such as creative play, small-world, role play, construction, gardening and many more. These activities help the children to develop their independence, take turns with others and learn to share and work together as a group, therefore promoting their social and fine motor skills.

Our school day...

  • We have various sessions between the hours of 8.30am and 3.30pm. Please see information on the attachment below for further information regarding times and sessions available.
  • Drop-off and pick up will be from the green gate down the side drive, signed Barn Owls Pre-School.
  • At the start of your session, please wait at the side gate, where you will be greeted by a friendly member of staff and your child will be taken to Barn Owls from here.
  • At the end of your session, your child will be brought round to the side gate and dismissed one-by-one.
  • There is a bell to ring if you arrive late or are collecting early at an agreed, alternative time.
  • All children must have a pair of wellies and a full change of clothes (season appropriate) which will stay in school. If you have a spare set of waterproof trousers/overalls these too would be appreciated for our welly walks. We ask for all children to have a long sleeved top and trousers for Forest School activities.
  • If your child is in nappies or toilet training, please ensure we have a good supply of nappies, wipes and spare clothes. You will be notified when supplies are running low.
  • Each day please remember a named drink bottle containing water (no juice or squash), a healthy snack for morning sessions and also a healthy packed lunch (if you have not ordered school meals). An afternoon snack will be provided by the school. Please ensure all snacks provided are prepared properly i.e. small round fruits/vegetables are quartered and hard pips/stones are removed.
  • If you wish for your child to receive free school milk, please ensure you register them at

For further inforation please contact our school office and ask for Mrs Errington.  

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Pre-school (Barn Owls): News items

Pre-school (Barn Owls): Gallery items

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Administrative Officer
Mrs Stanley

01258 817492

Mrs Waring/Mrs Ings

Remote Learning Contact
Mrs Odhams