Spring 1 Week 6
Date: 18th Feb 2024 @ 1:14pm
This week in maths we have started to work with numbers beyond 5. We have been exploring the fact that 6 is made of 5 and 1 more, and that 7 is made of 5 and 2 more. The children are really developing their deeper understanding of these numbers, their composition and relationship with other numbers. They have been exploring these concepts through number rhymes, counter games, using dice patterns and 5 frames as well as Numicon and playdough. Well done Owls, you are laying the foundations to become budding mathematicians!
On Tuesday it was 'Safer Internet Day'. We talked about what we use different devises for and what the internet is and what 'online' means. We read a story about a character who encounters various issues whilst online e.g. they see something scary, they see false information and a stranger tries to talk to them. We explored these issues with the children and shared the most important message 'tell a grown up'. Can you child remember the mantra we learned to help us stay safe online: "Before you tap or click, you need to stop and think, and tell someone." We also learned about precious information that we must keep safe whilst online. We learned that you must not share your name, age, address and school online. We enjoyed sharing our learning with you at our E-safety assembly on Wednesday.
To promote 'Children's Mental Health Week,' the children have taken part in a range of activities. On Wednesday we had Felix arrive and the children took part in a workshop. They used their voices and some huge drums, some little drums and some shakers to make samba music, originating from Mexico. They all had a great time and loved being part of the performance in the assembly. The children have also wrote speech bubbles as this years theme is 'Our Voice Matters.' They have all learnt the song "We're all in this together," which they also shared in our assembly. They have had the chance to weave outside on the fence and they have also taken part in a carousel of positive activities with different teachers in the school such as saying a compliment to someone else, exploring things that matter to them, acknowledging others so that they feel that they matter and playing a game of question cups. Finally on Friday, the children took part in an interhouse competition scoring goals and obtaining points for their houses. So much fun and for such an important cause.
We also had a visit from a dental hygienist on Wednesday. The children listened carefully to how important it is to brush their teeth twice a day for 2 minutes and why. We talked about how foods stick to our teeth, as well as lots of germs and how quickly this can cause the teeth to decay. The children were all shown how to brush their teeth properly and why it is so important to visit the dentist twice a year to get checked. They found it fascinating that we go to the doctor to get better but we go to a dentist to keep our teeth healthy before they get bad, not just when they are damaged. The children each told us if they clean their teeth twice a day and for those that don't, we looked at why we must and what foods are good for our teeth and which are no so good. We all agreed we can have those foods but only every so often. Finally we thought about why animals don't use toothbrushes and how they care for their teeth too. Well done Owls! Keep brushing those teeth for 2 minutes twice a day! Let's make them sparkle.
In phonics, we have continued to reinforce the new digraphs of qu, sh, ch, th and ng. The children have been focusing on segmenting words to give them the confidence to write simple words and blending to read them. We have also celebrated some key events that are happening in the half term. The first being Valentines day. They learnt about St Valentine and why Valentine's day is celebrated. The children made some beautiful artwork using Kandinsky's method, they had to use the construction to make a love bug, program our own love bug, beebot, complete valentines colouring, match the love hearts to the dots and valentine subitising. We have also celebrated Chinese New Year as this is on Saturday 10th February. The children learnt about what it is and which year it is; Year of the dragon. They explored Chinese food, made Chinese dragons, tried to write their name in Chinese and numbers in Chinese, used the mobilo to make dragons and so much more.
We really have had such a busy week. It has been filled with fun and laughter. Have a wonderful half term break Owls and all of your families. You are all brilliant and we can't wait to see you in a week's time.