Spring 1 Week 4
Date: 25th Jan 2024 @ 2:24pm
This week in maths we have been focussing on the composition of number 5. We have been playing a game based on the 'Five Little Speckled Frogs' rhyme, called 'What's Missing?'. The children started off with 5 frogs in their log and closed their eyes. Whilst their eyes were shut some of their naughty frogs jumped into the pool and hid under the water! What they oped their eyes the children had to work out how many frogs were hiding under the water. They then had to try and explain how they knew they were right, by saying things like "I can see two frogs on the log, so there are three under the water, because two and three make 5." We encouraged the children to show us on their fingers how they knew to help them explain. Well done Owls you all tried hard to explain like very grown up mathematicians! In our session on shape, space and measure the children were exploring the concept of 1 minute. We had challenges to complete in a minute and we talked about how long a minute was. The challenges consisted of how long a snake they could roll out of playdough, how tall a tower they could make, how many dinosaurs they could line up, how many goals they could get with the beanbags and how many times they could write their name. We came to the conclusion, a minute is not very long at all!
In Plan, Do, Tell this week we were focussing on Percy's friends the owl and the mice. The mice encourage us to work together and the owl likes us to be proud of our work. The children enjoyed coming up with their own plans and exploring different areas of the classroom. We observed lots of team work in collaborative models and creations and every child said they were proud of what they had achieved during our 'Tell' review session and they were all keen to share their learning with the group.
The children are all working so hard on their reading. Please could we remind you to write in your child's reading diary to let us know they have read their book at least twice throughout the week (this should not be in just one of two sessions, most children will benefit from reading just a few pages at a time each day rather than fewer longer sessions). Parents' comments in their diaries really help us to make sure your child is making good progress and are getting enough reading practice. Please remember to practice your child's flower and balloon tricky words with them too. Your support with this is hugely appreciated.
During our listening and responding sessions within our music lesson the children have been very interested in the music by The Jackson 5. This has inspired some great dancing during the rest of our music sessions! The children are getting much more confident at moving their bodies in time to the music and expressing themselves musically.
In Phonics this week we have recapped the word 'digraph' and we have learnt the sounds ch, sh, th and ng. These are tricky and the children have worked hard to retain them. We have had bottles of sparkly water with the sounds on so that the children could hoopla them and say the correct sound, we have had slips of paper with words on, the children then had to use magnifying glasses to identify the digraph and cover it with red cellophane. They have also had out flour like fluffy clouds that Granny flew through in our focus book, the children had to use a paint brush to mark make and write the digraph in it, they have also had a pirate game on the interactive whiteboard where they had to decipher if a word was real or nonsense. We continued our reading and writing in Literacy by designing a vehicle for Granny to travel the World. The children then had to write what it was.
Other activities we have carried out this week have been building a huge train track, making lanterns, exploring the maps and atlases using the beebot, building routes for Granny with big blocks and exploring in the role play area and small world area.
We are super busy bees in Owls. Great job this week. Well done you are all amazing!
Have a great weekend.