Our week in Owls 2.10.23
Date: 12th Oct 2023 @ 11:25am
This week in Maths we have been focussing on counting accurately. Our class ladybird keeps making a lot of mistakes and the children have been trying their absolute best to teach him the rules of accurate counting e.g. saying one number for each object and knowing that the last number you say indicates how many objects you have. Well done Owls, our ladybird will be a great at counting with your super teaching! In Maths we also made colour monster cakes. The children worked on comparing the weight of an egg to that of the other ingredients. They were all so excited. Once we made the mixture we added food colouring to create an array of colours and the children poured each colour into a cake case to make colour monster cupcakes. We hope they enjoyed eating them!
The children have been enjoying practising forming the new letters that have learned in their books and in other areas e.g. on the interactive whiteboard. They have explored different objects, looking at the initial sounds, driving cars to sound garages and using pincher fingers to put gems on letters.
In forest school the children worked on tying knots and then created some fantastic dens. We worked on how to hold the sheet in place and how to place it on so that the children could get under it.
On Friday the children were brilliant in church. They took their food to the alter and tried to join in the songs. They were amazed by all of the features of the church and enjoyed their little walk over.
What a busy week Owls! Well done all of you.