Our week in Owls 16/10/23
Date: 20th Oct 2023 @ 8:53am
Wow, we have come to end of our first half term in Owls! The children have made so much progress already and have made such a good start to their first year in school. It was a pleasure sharing these achievements with you at parent's evening, thank you very much for coming.
In maths this week we have been playing lots of games like Bingo and matching games to help us practise the subitising and counting skills we have learned this term.
On Tuesday we had a special assembly about road safety. The children were encouraged to have the courage to speak out about being safe around the road by, for example, telling an older sibling (or parent!) to 'Look Up!' if they are using their mobile phone whilst walking near a road in order to keep themselves safe.
On Tuesday we also had a visit from the children in Kestrels class who wanted to share the stories they have been writing along with the puppets they had created. The Owls enjoyed listening to their creations!
In Phonics this week we have recapped all of the sounds that we have been learning over the past few weeks. We have begun to blend the sounds together in order to read words and we have used lots of activities to support our learning such as fishing for sounds, adding sound spikes to a hedgehog, using the light box and squishy letters to group sounds, cutting and sticking pictures to the matching words after reading them and using whiteboards to have a go at letter formation.
In Forest School the children switched groups from last week and continued with their nest making for woodland animals and also creating natural wands using peelers as tools to clear the stick and then wool to add colour and to hold on their magic leaf. The weather was not on our side this week but we had fun in the rain!
We are very much looking forward to our next half term in Owls class. Please ensure you check your child's book bag, a letter was sent home on Tuesday regarding our planned school trip for November 10th.
Have a wonderful half term. Well done Owls. What a fantastic half term you have all had. You have settled beautifully, made new friends, learnt lots of new things and had fun! You are all superstars. Enjoy a well earned break with your families and we will see you in a week.