Our busy week in Owls (week beginning 18.9.23)

Date: 26th Sep 2023 @ 7:55am

This week we have continued exploring our new environment. We have been focussing on our rules and routines and the children's listening skills. The children are making good progress with adjusting to the expectations of school and classroom life. We have been conducting our Reception Baseline Assessments this week and they are now complete (for more info please see Tapestry Memo sent on 11th September). The children have enjoyed impressing us with all their knowledge and skills, they are superstars!
They have been particularly interested in the mark making equipment this week e.g. the chalkboards, whiteboards and felt pens. Please see some of their fantastic creations in the photos.
We have also continued our physical development by taking part in our 'pound' movement sessions, where the children move to music using drum sticks. We have begun some stormbreaks to continue with movement. These sessions are designed to get children moving using different themes, which in turn, helps with concentration.
In our forest school session, we discussed different bugs, moved like different bugs and went on a hunt to find coloured bugs hidden by Helen. We then talked about the different bugs and the features of them, counting their legs to develop our number skills. We used a big word 'symmetrical,' and explored what this meant. Afterwards, we sorted the bugs into the coloured groups and made a gorgeous rainbow. We then used a range of tools and went bug hunting. We looked under tree stumps and tyres, in the plants and mud as well as on the trees and flowers. We found loads!
Other activities that the children have enjoyed have been, building huge models as a team, painting, small construction, using the numicon to make pictures, using stencils, exploring the role play area and outside EYFS area as well as so much more.

Another great week Owls! You have all been superstars. Well done!


Administrative Officer
Mrs Stanley

01258 817492 office@hazelbury.dorset.sch.uk

Mrs Waring/Mrs Ings

Remote Learning Contact
Mrs Odhams