Hawks' Spring 2 Blog

Date: 5th Mar 2022 @ 7:55pm

Week 1

We loved welcoming everybody back to school this week after a well-deserved week off. Our week started with us finishing our lighthouses. Every single one has a working light that can be switched on and off, and some even have a foghorn! This week was also World Book Day. We enjoyed participating in lots of book-related activities, including a quiz, creating a whole class story, a BBC live lesson with authors and illustrators, and sharing our favourite books with each other. 

Week 2

This week in Hawks we immersed ourselves in our new topics. We acted out the key parts of the Easter story in RE, thought about the different forces acting on objects in Science, explored our landscapes in Art, made up our own dances in PE, and began learning a dragon song in Music. These are just a few things we have enjoyed looking at this week.

Week 3

This week was British Science Week. We spent our afternoon sessions exploring a variety of different Science activities. To begin our week, we thought about our own personal ideas of what a scientist looks like. We drew these and compared them with each other. We concluded that we all had quite different ideas on this matter depending on our own knowledge and experiences. After this, we explored a number of different scientists who 'smash' stereotypes, before revisiting our own ideas and comparing them to what we now know. Finally, we explored the work of Maggie Aderin-Pocock and we were inspired to design our very own space missions considering every aspect such as food, travel, and outfits. On Tuesday, we had a very exciting visit from the Science Dome. We went back in time and learned about the formation of our Earth, the time of the dinosaurs, and about how our planet has been changing over time. We even looked at the stars and spotted various constellations. We are extremely grateful to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) who fully funded our visit from the Science Dome. Following on from this, we discussed climate change and thought of ways we, as a class, could reduce our carbon footprint. As our PE topic, this term is dance, we decided to incorporate the theme of Science week into our lessons. The theme this year was 'growth' so we created our very own dances to portray growth in lots of different ways. Some of our other activities included creating our very own optical illusions, going on a nature scavenger hunt around our school grounds, and growing our very own rainbows using kitchen roll and felt tips.

Week 4

This week we continue to explore Fractions in our Maths lessons, focusing on equivalence. We created our very own colourful fraction walls to help us with this. In our English lessons, we planned our own Matilda inspired stories which included our own characters. It is clear to see that Hawks do not think very highly of Miss Trunchbull! In Art, we explored a number of different landscape artists and created our own page all about them. In History, we created a gigantic timeline on the playground which included lots of time periods and events. We used this to help us understand when the Mayans lived.

Week 5

This week we had a very exciting visit from Maiden Castle Farm. We learned all about sunflowers and were each given our very own packet of seeds to grow. We cannot wait to see how everyone has decided to grow their sunflowers. This assembly inspired us to link our English topic of Limericks to sunflowers. As a class, we created our very own sunflower Limerick, which we will add to our gallery below for you to enjoy too! After this, we all had a go at creating our own Limericks which was great fun! In our Science lessons, we began to explore magnets and how these worked and created our very own Mayan-inspired 'Monkey dance' in PE.


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