A fantastic start to our year...
Date: 29th Oct 2024 @ 11:07am
What a start to the year it has been...
We are blessed with our wonderful children, supportive families and amazing staff. It has been a very busy start to the year. We have held a RSE and Inclusion workshop for parents, our car park planning application is underway, we are crossing our fingers for a safer was forward for our families, we have visited Church to celebrate Harvest, held a wonderful week celebrating Kindness, we have welcomed Premier Sports to enhance our PE offer, started Samba with Hawks' class and even had a court painted in the hall, now holding a Picklball class, Pilates and Circuit after school for the community, as well as welcoming new families to Hazelbury Bryan Primary School. Mrs Ings has started a diploma in Trauma Informed Schools, all staff were trained in this in our recent inset, and I have started a NPQ in SEN. We are constantly reflecting, evolving and improving our special school. Have a lovely half term break. We look forward to seeing you on 4th Novemember. Stay safe. Mrs Waring